Friday, March 20, 2009

Breathing to Lose Weight!

It is easier to gradually shrink your stomach and appetite than to endlessly exercise in order to burn 100 extra calories from food you should not have eaten in the first place.

For the first time in the history of our species, our life expectancy is going DOWN -- that means our children will live sicker and die younger than their parents.

I am not being alarmist -- the facts speak for themselves:
<> 65% of Americans are overweight, up 18% since 1994...
<> 30% of us are obese, up from 36% since 1994...
<> Over 40% of us have high cholesterol...
<> 50% of Americans over 65 have high blood pressure, and 28.7% overall, a 3.7% increase from 1991.
<> Nearly 70% of people are unaware they have high blood pressure...
<> 5.1% of us have type-2 diabetes, up 104% from 1980 to 2004...
<> Over 100,000,000 Americans have metabolic syndrome, which is one step away from having type-2 diabetes...
<> 92% of Americans are deficient in one or more essential vitamins and minerals...

As startling as these statistics are, they are easy to ignore, because they don't affect our everyday lives in any meaningful way...or do they?

Did you know that:
<> Americans spend $117 billion annually treating obesity-linked diseases including heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, arthritis, and more...
<> Over $50 billion is spent annually on weight loss alone...
<> Of the $1.9 trillion spent on health care (16% of our GNP), ONLY 2% is spent on prevention...
<> Medicare and Medicaid costs are expected to skyrocket, with medicaid expenditures ballooning an estimated 8.9% a year from 2002 to 2012 and with Medicare jumping 6.7% a year as well...
<> And, not surprisingly, health care costs have exploded by 250% from $717 billion in 1990 to $1.9 trillion in 2004...
<> Despite the U.S. leading the world in terms of the amount spent per person on health care (about $5,000) we are nearly dead last (12 out of 13) when it comes to leading health indicators...
<> Health insurance costs have skyrocketed by over 10% a year for the last 4 years. Since 2000, cost of health insurance has increased 59% while wages have increased only 12%.

Let me sum that up for you: we are paying through the nose for our health care and getting no return on our investment. We HAVE to take charge of our health, NOW.

The Optimal Breathing Weight Loss Program
Levels 1-3 #310-1-2-3

3 level program. A balanced holistic approach based upon how much weight you wish to lose.

Are You Digging Your Grave With Your Mouth?
Looking for the magic bullet for weight loss is sucker's play. Weight control has several necessary components that must ALL exist at the same time. This program leaves weight loss hype behind and gives people the straight forward information that adult, parents and children need to lose weight safely and keep it off to permanently increase their energy and dramatically improve their health.

Fatness is a warning sign of poor health.
In our lives, we live too stressed because of many factors such as increasing work loads, unhealthy sedentary life styles, and the prevailing image of the hard, flat belly. Also, to get away from fatness, we are trying to so many weight loss methods and programs in spite of painful, exhausting approaches that roller coaster us into frustration and fatigue. .

One huge factor of permanent weight loss is breathing. Breathing is our primary energy source.

Most people have little understanding of either diaphragmatic breathing or deep, front, side and back abdominal breathing. Most people’s diaphragm moves very little, and we seldom allow our abdomen and belly to let us breathe. Though most of us engaged in belly based abdominal breathing as babies and young children, we have gradually become upper chest breathers. The end result of our poor breathing habits is not only insufficient oxygen to our brain and the other cells of our body, but also insufficient movement in our internal organs and in the fluids upon which our health depends.

Without this oxygen and movement we quickly become susceptible to illness and disease. In a word, we cannot live without breath, but we are living just as unconscious of the importance of proper balanced breathing. Because most do not know what good breathing looks feels or performs like we need a system that develops it in a way that day to day breathing will sustain us in a fully energetic balanced way.

Using our program:

1. Your breathing will head in the direction of becoming natural and second nature.

2. Improving your breathing will as well improve metabolism to burn of fat and soften emotional issues that lead to food cravings and unnecessary consumption. It will also invite a heightened sense of self awareness and well being.

3. It includes very special breathing exercises and natural, healthy breathing development aids plus several unique nutritionals, digestives, homeopathics and a free download.

4. Nutritional and lifestyle tools for mental and physical transformation.

Interesting to note that people often lose weight while on bottled oxygen but no self respecting MD would prescribe it and I agree. The fact remains that oxygen burns calories. If you utilize ALL aspects of these programs you are virtually assured of losing what you need. The program is VERY holistic and each aspect has achieved weight loss by itself alone. So we put ALL of them together and leave little or nothing to chance.

1. Body fat loss
2. Wrinkle reduction
3. Increased energy levels
4. Faster recovery from exertion or fatigue
5. Muscle strength improvement
6. Increased sexual potency. By the way, erectile dysfunction is much more likely in men with large waists.
7. Improved emotional stability
8. Better memory
9. Craving control
10. Sleep better
11. Lose weight while you sleep
12. Reduce stress because stress is fattening

Each aspect of the program below has successfully aided people in significant weight loss so I combined them ALL feeling that together they were much more powerful then they were separate.

Improving your breathing improves metabolism to burn off fat and soften emotional issues that lead to food cravings and unnecessary consumption. It also invites a heightened sense of self awareness and well being. We need to lose weight safely, keep it off permanently, increase our energy and dramatically improve our level of wellness.

The programs may include breathing exercises, breathing development techniques and strategies, nutritional and lifestyle tools for mental and physical transformation. The more weight you want to lose, the more comprehensive program level you should choose.

Read for additional details.

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